
An Internet-Enabled Virtual Coaching Experience.

You’re at your local climbing wall in the middle of a gruelling bouldering session. You’re sweaty. You’re frustrated. No matter how you contort yourself, or how much effort you put in, you just can’t figure out how to do the final move of the problem you’ve been working on for a week. What if you had an expert coach standing beside you, and a world class athlete demonstrating her technique? Think that might just do it?

Enter Grip.

Grip is an internet-enabled virtual coaching experience starring British Boulder Champion Shauna Coxsey and her coach, Mark Glennie.

Using RFID technology, Internet-enabled climbing holds and virtual reality, Grip uses IoT and VR to teach, celebrate and gamify indoor climbing. The potential for Grip doesn’t stop here, as the core tenets of try - learn - achieve - reward translate across every sport we can imagine.




Brain Computer Interface