
NASA gathers and examines huge amounts of data to help them answer some of the greatest unsolved questions, such as whether there are other planets like earth beyond the solar system. A team at a collective called Fieldguide were invited to create an installation at the London Design Festival. They tasked Uniform to create a compelling and engaging experience to communicate their research . The result was StarLight, which used data from NASA’s Kepler observatory and interpreted the flickering from stars light years away to transform the scale, brightness and timescales of these dimming stars, so humans could perceive them more easily. A bespoke mission control unit enabled people to interact with and control the lamps, replaying the light that originated from stars light-years away. Each time a lamp dimmed or flickered they were watching the evidence of a newly discovered planet’s existence.

Starlight 1.png
Starlight 2.png
Starlight 3.png



Walter Melon